- Friends' Christmas Market - Thursday 20 November from 5.00pm - 8.00pm in our school dining hall. Please come and do some Christmas shopping with us, whilst supporting the school. Admission is by programme £1 for adults, with under 19s free.
- Rodborough Young Musician of the Year Competition - Wednesday 26 November, 7.00pm (details to be circulated soon).
- Friends' Science Lecture - Friday 28 November 2008, 7.00pm. This year's speaker is Mr Henstone-Sturdy from our Science Department and Astronomy Club. Details to be circulated soon.
- Christmas Music Concert - Wednesday 10 December, 7.00pm.
- Year 7 Disco - Friday 12 December, 8.00pm.
- Christmas Carol Concert - Wednesday 17 December, 7.00pm at Milford Church.
Further information about these events can be obtained from Mrs P Ward on 01483 411100 or e-mail pward@rodborough.surrey.sch.uk.
We look forward to a successful half term's work, particularly for Year 11 who will be sitting their mock GCSE exams in December. I am sure the hard work you have put in over the last months will pay dividends. The mock exams will give you valuable preparation and experience for the GCSEs next summer and highlight areas where you may need to concentrate your efforts over the next few months.